Romsey Primary School and Nursery


At RPS, our curriculum is designed to develop all our children to be incredible in an environment where they feel loved, nurtured and safe. We pride ourselves on being a school family, where everyone has a strong sense of belonging that is created through powerful, positive relationships. As part of our family, we celebrate difference and teach the children to show respect, tolerance and empathy towards others. 

An RPS child will...

Learning takes place in lots of different ways at RPS. We want our children to be not only academic confident, but also have the strategies and skills the navigate the world successfully. This learning journey starts in Early Years and is continually developed through to Y6.


Our curriculum aims to establish a strong base in fundamental skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics, while also providing opportunities for children to apply these core skills in various subjects when appropriate. Our curriculum builds carefully on the solid foundations of our early years provision. We believe in a comprehensive and well-rounded curriculum that allows children to cultivate skills and talents across diverse disciplines. Lessons in all subjects are designed to engage and emphasise the essential knowledge that children need. We regularly provide opportunities for children to recall and apply their knowledge, creating connections across different fields of study.

As children move through Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, our curriculum is based on the 2014 National Curriculum and covers the following subject areas: English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Art & Design, Design Technology, Music, Physical Education, Computing and Spanish (Key Stage Two only). Religious Education is delivered through the agreed Hampshire ‘Living Difference’ curriculum. 

For certain subjects, we may draw upon specialist teachers/sports coaches to deliver lessons in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for children. Children in Year 2 and Year 4 learn to play a range of musical instruments through participating in Listen2Me and Beyond The Beat taught by music specialists from Hampshire Music Service. Singing Assemblies are led by a local chorister from Romsey Abbey. Sports coaches deliver some units of work in P.E., such as gymnastics, tennis or multi-skills and they provide sports and games during lunchtimes. 

As part of the wider community, we participate in various opportunities as they arise, such as visits to local care homes and Romsey Library. Children have the opportunity to take part in Level 2 tournaments to develop their sporting skills in a competitive environment and to link with the University of Southampton through the COSMOS project which encourages working scientifically in our local environment. Our links with local secondary schools also provide further opportunities to enhance the curriculum, through maths, art, science, languages and sporting competitions. 

We communicate with parents/carers through a 'Learning News' flyer sent home every half term. This provides an overview of what will be taught in each subject and includes ways that parents/carers can support learning at home. 

Home learning is an integral part of our curriculum, providing valuable opportunities for children to practice key skills and share their learning. Children receive weekly homework at an age-appropriate level, designed to build on the key learning taking place in class.

Curriculum Subjects

Find out about each subject from the menu on the right.