Romsey Primary School and Nursery

School Trips & Experiences

The school plans purposeful experiences beyond the academic to complement pupils' learning. These include visits from expert speakers, clubs, trips and music concerts.

Ofsted, 2024

The statutory curriculum is enhanced with well-planned opportunities that make up the wider school curriculum.

Through trips, visitors and whole-school themed days/weeks, we create a sense of awe and wonder and allow the children to encounter authentic, real-life and practical experiences. Our curriculum provides rich, meaningful experiences such as meeting a real-life Egyptologist, author/poet visits, Bikeability, swimming lessons, opportunities to handle reptiles, VR workshops and various trips (e.g. Butser Farm, the SeaCity Titanic Museum, Stubbington, Winchester Science Centre, Hilliers, Romsey Abbey).

Through themed days and weeks, such as Anti-Bullying Week, Black History Week, Mental Health Awareness Week, Sports Days and Tough Mudder, we allow the children to explore in depth the important issues in today's society and to develop key skills, such as keeping mentally and physically healthy. 

We have mapped out the trips and experiences to help parents see what is happening over the school year.

curriculum enhancements 2024 2025.pdf